id Software Unknown Project Rated By Aussie Classification Board


A rating has appeared online for an untitled project by id Software which was on the Australian Classification Board yesterday.

It was registered under the codenamed 'Project 2021B' but it's currently unknown what this game could possibly be. The code name is similar to a prior 'Project 2021A' which ended up being DOOM 3 for PSVR.

The listing was rated 'M' for Mature, has online interactivity, and is down as a multiplatform release. This is significantly different from Project 2021A which was rated as R18+ and was classified as a Virtual Reality game.

I personally don't think it's another DOOM game as I think it would have gotten the same rating as prior games. It's more than likely related to Quake, especially with QuakeCon being in August this year. Maybe it's along the lines of a collection of older games remastered or maybe a brand new reimagining of Quake. They did it for DOOM, so I trust them to be able to do the say for Quake. Either way, we'll probably find out more in the coming months.


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