Kim Swift joins Xbox Game Studios Publishing

Xbox Game Studios Publishing has announced that the creator of Portal Kim Swift will be joining the team.

Announced via Twitter, they said the following “Our team focuses on three pillars in our games: Community, Innovation and Inclusivity. Today, @K2TheSwift joins us in XGS Publishing to accelerate our Innovation and collaborate with independent studios to build games for the cloud.”

There’s no word on what specific games Kim Swift might be working on at Xbox Game Studios Publishing, but the focus of XGS Publishing includes games such as Microsoft Flight Simulator, Contraband and Tell Me Why.

All of the above-mentioned games have something in common, they're all third-party deals with other developers. Hopefully, this means that there will be a continued focus on making deals to get more game pass exclusives for Xbox.

Either way, the future of Xbox is looking super interesting and I can't wait to see how it all plays out.


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