Gaming News, PlayStation HelloGhostly Gaming News, PlayStation HelloGhostly

PlayStation's Next State Of Play Announced


Sony has announced the new State Of Play for July 8th that will feature 9 minutes of gameplay for Deathloop as well as some info for upcoming Indie titles.

The Deathloop gameplay will apparently feature one of the main characters Cole showcasing his abilities in both stealth moments and all-out guns-blazing combat. The show will also show updates on some exciting indie and third-party games which kinda feels like a reaction to the recent discussion around PlayStation's lack of support of indie game developers and the PlayStation storefront.

They also confirmed some games and hardware that won't be at the showcase which go as followed:

the next God of War

Horizon Forbidden West

next generation of PlayStation VR

I don't understand why PlayStation isn't showing what we'll have to play this year on PS5, the obvious conclusion is that they don't have anything. Most of the gaming companies have seemingly revealed there hand of what's coming this year and EA is planning to over the course of the next month. But PlayStation, one of the biggest platforms in the space hasn't shown anything, i really hope they have something but if your a PlayStation player i wouldn't get your hopes up.

If you wanna check out the 30-minute show, it will kick off at 2 pm Pacific / 5 pm Eastern / 11 pm CEST and will be viewable on both Twitch and YouTube.

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Horizon Forbidden West State Of Play Announced

Horizon Zero Dawn Forbidden West will be getting its own State of Play live stream this Thursday, 27th May at 10 pm UK time.

The broadcast will apparently be showcasing about 14-minutes of in-game footage with the inclusion of actual gameplay.

There are currently no details of any other games being shown but interestingly enough, the stream will last for 20 minutes which leaves six minutes unaccounted for. It could be that other games show up during the Livestream but my guess is those six minutes will be for the intro, vignettes in between, and a new trailer for Horizon Forbidden West towards the end of the show.

HZD FW.png
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