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Hogwarts Legacy delayed into 2022

Hogwarts Legacy delayed into 2022

Warner Bros has announced that Hogwarts Legacy has been delayed into 2022.

a statement posted to the official Twitter account said: "Creating the best possible experience for all of the Wizarding World and gaming fans is paramount to us, so we are giving the game the time it needs."

This year is currently looking to go one of two ways for me, either a ton of upcoming games get delayed due to working at home situation or there are so many games coming that this delay will only end up being a good decision all round. I'm still currently playing 2020 games and the game train isn't stopping with Yakuza 3, 4, and 5, Hitman 3, Scott Pilgrim VS The World The Game: Complete Edition and that's just the games I'm excited for that’s launching in January.

Hogwarts Legacy is now launching on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC in 2022.

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Gaming News HelloGhostly Gaming News HelloGhostly

Hitman 3 New Feature Revealed

Hitman 3 screenshot

IO Interactive has revealed an upcoming feature for Hitman 3. Players will be able to unlock "persistent shortcuts" in levels, which will open up new paths on previously played levels.

Originally revealed by Game Informer, the new shortcuts are said to "encourage exploration, reward curiosity, and incentivize replayability" with players being able to open up new routes by interacting with doors, certain areas, and access points in each level. Agent 47 will then be able to use them during future playthroughs to get to areas of the map faster or to head off a target before they reach a specific destination.

I'm personally looking forward to checking this out for myself when Hitman 3 launches on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC on January 20, 2021.

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