Gaming News HelloGhostly Gaming News HelloGhostly

Deep Silver Announce A TimeSplitters Game In Development At Free Radical Design

Deep Silver has announced that TimeSplitters is returning and is being developed by a newly reformed Free Radical Design, the studio responsible for the original game. In Addition to this, two of the original founders will be working on the new project.

In the announcement, Deep Silver said "You asked and we listened. We have been working on plans to bring the TimeSplitters franchise back to life, and are pleased to let you know that we are setting up a new Deep Silver development studio to do just that. Free Radical Design is reforming and will be headed up by industry and TimeSplitters veterans, Steve Ellis and David Doak."

The game does seem to be in its early stage of development, with the statement continuing by saying "This is an exciting first step in the process; development on a new game has not yet started and we will update you when we have more news to share."

I remember playing this game on split-screen with some friends and I have fond memories of it, however, I don't see how the gameplay of the previous game stacks up in the modern day. Unless it's an Overwatch-style shooter and then I'm all in.

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Xbox, PlayStation, Gaming News, Nintendo HelloGhostly Xbox, PlayStation, Gaming News, Nintendo HelloGhostly

Overwatch 2 PvP Gameplay Coming Next Month

Blizzard has announced they will showcase two hours of Overwatch 2 player versus player gameplay on May 20.

In a new development update, the new game director Aaron Keller announced an upcoming Livestream that will be on May 20 at 12 pm Pacific, 3 pm Eastern, or 8 pm UK.

The details on the Livestream itself are pretty slim but it will finally go into the bread and butter of Overwatch which is PvP and whatever changes that ate made should be coming to both Overwatch and Overwatch 2. They did say that "we’re reinvigorating the core Overwatch experience."

I really hope this is the case because Overwatch in 2021 is in a pretty terrible place, I played the game before launch and the game has just gotten stale. It's gonna take a lot to get me back to playing daily and I don't think I'm the only one in that boat.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
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Gaming News HelloGhostly Gaming News HelloGhostly

The Year Of Creation

What's up folks and welcome to another blog post. I struggled for so awhile trying to figure out the introduction to this post so I thought I'd just rehash my podcast intro for it.

I have always been able to focus on something and hammer away at it continuously but 2020 kinda took that from me and stomped on it hard. I managed to somehow keep posting daily on Instagram and exercising but everything else went to the wayside.

Content creation is something I’ve always been drawn too and I plan to go bananas in 2021. The Podcast is moving homes from SoundCloud to This means sadly that either i lose all the current episodes I've created or import them all over, which takes a ton of time. Hopefully, I'll then be able to bring the podcast to more platforms such as Spotify or Amazon Music.

Gaming News is coming back to the website on a weekly basis covering the best news for consoles such as Xbox Series X, PS5, and Nintendo Switch. However, it's gonna be a little bit different as I'll only be covering the news that interests me, and I might inject some opinion along the way.

Lastly, I plan to do another regular feature on the website focusing on content creators in general, I'll be revealing more on that in the near future.

2021 has given me perspective on what's important, My family is always gonna be my first priority but creating is a close second. I plan to create a ton of awesome content over the course of the next year and i can't wait to get started.

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Podcasts HelloGhostly Podcasts HelloGhostly

Overwatch Paris Map, Feb PS Plus And Games With Gold Games - Hello Ghostly Games Podcast 01.02.19

We are back at again for the fifth episode of The Hello Ghostly Games Podcast. In today's episode, we discuss Blizzard announcing a brand new assault map for Overwatch based in Paris, France, PS Plus and Games With Gold games for February, Assassin's Creed Odyssey's Shadow Heritage DLC is being patched, Sony first party studios working on pS5 games and much more.

I've also had a super interesting week that consisted of bad bbq ribs, birthday celebrations, Kingdom Hearts 3 randomly uninstalling and ruining my day and also lots of snow.

This weeks Ghost Box is What's coming? a big old list of the upcoming game release for February with a sprinkle of opinion.








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Podcasts HelloGhostly Podcasts HelloGhostly

Overwatch's Solider 76 Joins Tracer as an LGBTQ hero - Hello Ghostly Games Podcast 11.01.19

What's Up everyone, I wanted to start by adding a somewhat disclaimer to this episode. The following episode gets into a mature discussion in regards to depression, anxiety, and death. I talk about the recent loss of my father in law and how that's affected me over the past year and also my previous attempts of suicide.

It was rough for me to listen back to but I hope this episode helps you if you're going through similar feeling or issues. Life always gets better and there is always someone who cares, even if it feels like there isn't.

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